Meh semua join this giveaway dari miszshopaholic..mana tahu ada rezeki kan!!
All you have to do is:
1. Become my follower on this site and state your follower ID.
2. Next, go to my blogshop Makeup Haven Vanity and name me 3 items which are available there.
3. For an additional entry, blog about this giveaway on your own site.
4. Don't forget to include your name, email address and of course your blog URL if you blog about it at the comment box.
5. You're done! Winner will be contacted within 48 hours after contest ends.
You can send as how many entries that you want. The more participants are, the better the prizes will be. The winner of this giveaway will be chosen using Random.org.
But this is only for Malaysian readers with valid postal address. Sorry folks! This giveaway will close on 31st March 2010 11.59 pm. So, hurry hurry! Send in your answers!